Ubuntu Magazine isn’t just about stories - it’s about connection. It dives into nature conservation, bringing readers face-to-face with the people and places fighting for survival.
Since mid-2024, I’ve beeen volunteering with Ubuntu, creating infographics and spot illustrations to bring these stories to life. Through visuals and thoughtful designs, I aim to highlight the details behind each story and making complex issues accessible and engaging for readers.
Science is powerful, but it can also be overwhelming. For this infographic, the mission was simple: turn complex data about endangered habitats into a visual that catches attention and invites people in.
Collaborating with the writing team and creative director, the focus was on clarity and impact. Stripped-down text highlighted the urgency, while illustrations with a focus on the animals made the whole infographic come alive.
After several iterations of illustrations, text placement adjustments, and meticulous spell checks, the final infographic came to life. What started as a dense block of text transformed into a clear, visually engaging piece. Each section was assigned its own distinct color, making the information easy to navigate and even easier to understand.
To view the magazine in its entirety, you can check it out in the link below. And if you want to dive into this infographic, it's on pages 48-49.
Ocean noise pollution is a difficult issue to visualize, as it’s invisible by nature. But it's a growing issue and not many people are aware of it.
Collaborating with scientists, the focus was on clarity: breaking down how industrial noise interferes with marine animals’ communication, navigation and survival. The writing team played a crucial role in ensuring the tone remained approachable while retaining scientific integrity.
The real challenge with this infographic was the fact that we can't see sound pollution. With the team, we transformed a long block of scientific text into something easy to read and understand. The final design explains how sound is key to marine life, focuses on three species affected by noise, and points out the main human causes of the problem. It also highlights solutions, keeping things clear and practical.
To view the magazine in its entirety, you can check it out in the link below. And if you want to dive into this infographic, it's on pages 70-71.